Tag Archives: Spider-man

Welcome on board I.S.S. Rover !

Stars are the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Interstellar Scout Ship Rover. It’s continuing mission to explore strange new worlds,to seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no Keshik has gone before !

 This is captain speaking. You are invited to join me on my journey, where I will be seeking new experiences, new adventures. Experiences, adventures  ? What kind of adventures ? – you ask. The excursions I take are mostly of intellectual nature: I like reading books, watch a good movie occasionally, listening to good music, going to a concert etc. I am also fond of good meals, so culinary outings will also be recurring theme. And actually this is still not a good description what we are in for.

So let me try and explain. I already mentioned new experiences. When I decided to start this blog I was determined to do something new, where the “new” gets to a whole new level. I mean I am no stranger to seeking out new things, but I want to do it differently now. I am no stranger to blogging either, I already have a blog, you can find it here. It is essentialy the evolved version of my reading diary, so it didn’t realy suit to an idea that started brewing in me about a month ago. And the idea is, as I already wrote: to start something new, to get out of my comfort zone ( an idea known to some of you ) as often as possible, expanding the boundaries of that same comfort zone. This is the main idea. But for seeking out new things, experiences one doesn’t need a blog. Fair enough ! But I am not only about finding new things and enjoying them, lately I also became a lot about sharing those experiences ( Thank you Embercombe ! ) . And because many of my friends – and other people – are not in a position to join me on every occasion I decide to do something new, what better way there is ( apart from theoretical possibilities of sharing senses and thoughts directly via brain links ) to share these experiences and findings than to write about them ?

So here we are. And you might also ask if there are some particulars to the “new things and experiences” I was talking about above. Well, there are… But first I want to express my gratitude to Kasia We, who contributed much … Contributed ? No, the word inspiration might suit better. So Kasia – a fellow Embercomber – delivered a considerable ammount of inspiration I needed to start this blog. She is an avid book fan, just like me, and I found it abismal that I can’t share my reading experiences with her as I am doing it with my friends on my abovementioned blog, that is written in my first native language, particularly the hungarian. I felt bad about it, and was searching for a way to bridge that gap, and there it is: why not start another blog, a blog that is not written in hungarian, but in a tongue that is spoken by both of us, namely the english. And if I’m already starting a NEW blog, why limit it to books, and reading experiences ?! That was the moment I realised I want to do something new, something that is much more, and that I want to share it.  Share it with my friends, with my family, and maybe even with. the rest of the World.

This is how much I have changed in about a year. A year that will mark the anniversary of the end of an experience I never expected to make. A lifechanging one … And the duration of that experience amounted to a length of a year too. Maybe it is fate, but I am not a firm believer. Sorry for confusing you all. My fellow Embercomber friends, brothers and sisters  ( and other friends ) do know about what I am talking about, and because I became so much about sharing – and not to be only all talk about it – let me share this “secret”  of mine with you too. Simply said: I was in prison.  It might sound awfull. Many of you might fret: “He is an ex convict !” But actually you don’t need to be afraid. I am just like the guy next door: “Only human !” Or just like your friendly neighbour: Spider-man. But let me return for a moment to my past experience with the correctional system I made. I made a mistake, one I regret deeply, and I was in for a ride – like I said already – I never expected. That’s an experience that not many are ready for. But still it’s something that can happen to anybody. It sounds harsh, I know that, but that is the truth. And if already in prison, you can behave either like a victim, or make the most of it. I decided for the later. I tried to find enjoyment in all the small things that were part of my daily routine: waking up, talking to people – inmates as well as friends and family outside – meals, the ones we received as “service” and the ones we cooked for ourselves etc. And this whole experience is at the core of this whole changing, and chasing of new experiences.

So here I am, at the dawn of a new life. I met many people, I made new friends. I found new challenges for myself ( I wont talk about them now, maybe sometime later, after all this blog is going to be about all of them ). Simply put: “Things have changed !”

And because I have a song for almost every situation, here it comes :

I wish you all a nice day, night or whatever time period you are experiencing locally ! And I hope you will be joining me on future occasions too !

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